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Care Proceedings Solicitors - London

Care Proceedings Solicitors in London

Our family law and care team includes members of the Law Society’s Children Panel and specialists accredited by Resolution.
Experienced care proceedings solicitors

It’s stressful for everyone when your family involves social workers. As specialist care proceedings solicitors, we offer non-judgmental, practical legal advice and representation. Our goal is to secure the best outcome for your family.

What do care proceedings solicitors do?

If social services worry about a child’s safety, they can apply to the court for public law orders. They include: full and interim care orders, supervision orders, and emergency protection orders.

Legal representation is crucial in these cases, especially at the start. They are often fast-paced. The court decides where the child should live during the case. You must also decide if you should hire any experts to help your case.

If you are a parent, and social services will issue care proceedings, seek legal advice. In some cases, the same solicitor can represent both parents. But it depends on the risk of conflict.

Once the court issues proceedings, CAFCASS will appoint a children’s guardian. They will share updates on the case’s welfare and suggest a temporary home for the children. They will also suggest carrying out assessments.

That guardian will appoint a solicitor to represent the children. This will ensure their voices are heard in the proceedings.

Whatever application is proposed by the local authority, depending on the circumstances that your family member is in, contact our specialist solicitors for urgent advice and help.

Why choose our specialist accredited solicitors?

Our expert team of specialist solicitors has helped families in many tough, emotional situations. We are accredited members of the Law Society Child Panel. We have years of experience representing children and families.

A trusted advisor can help you understand the legal process. They can provide clear, practical legal advice and representation. This can ease the family’s stress and anxiety. It can also ensure the best outcome for everyone.

How can I pay for a specialist solicitor?

Legal aid will be given to any child in care proceedings, and to any adult with parental responsibility for them. It is automatic. This ensures all families can access our accredited solicitors, regardless of their finances.

It would depend on the finances of other parties, like grandparents or aunts and uncles. Also, it would depend on whether they are formally involved in these proceedings.

To find out more, get in touch with the team at the Berris Law on 020 3325 741



We know that no two cases are ever the same and we are dedicated to guiding you through the legal process with tailored solutions which work for you. Fill out the form to request your consultation today.

The office is open from 9 am to 5.30 pm Mondays to Fridays excluding bank holidays. In the event your call is urgent and require us out of hours please either telephone us on 020 3325 7415 or email us on info@berrislaw.co.uk or complete the online form. All are monitored 24/7.


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