24 HOUR HELPLINE 020 3325 7415 info@berrislaw.co.uk


Paying for your case

We firmly believe in providing our clients with reasonable and transparent fees.

Legal aid is available for a range of our services although in some instances this may be subject to means and merits assessments conducted by the Legal Aid Agency.

Legal Aid Funding

Our clients can benefit from legal aid funding in criminal defence and family law services we offer. Legal aid is subject to eligibility and more information can be found here.

Criminal Defence
Police Station Representation

Arrest is a shock. We have an incredibly experienced team responding 24/7 x 365 days a year to advise and represent you in the police station.

The police often “invite” people to attend “voluntary” interviews under caution. It is also increasingly common for police to invite themselves into your home to interview you there.

No matter how it starts the most basic and single rule is NEVER BE INTERVIEWED WITHOUT LEGAL ADVICE AND REPRESENTATION.

There is such a world of difference between words used to explain an event – “I head-butted him” or “our heads collided”? On your own you may give in to pressure and suggestion that you are to blame.

We act in the most serious cases, murder, conspiracies, drug supply, and financial investigations. Every case is unique, every case needs skill and care.

Legal aid funding in relation to police station attendances is available to everyone and is not subject to any means or merits testing. Our fees are paid in full by the Legal Aid Agency.

There are occasions where clients want a particular Solicitor of the firm to represent them and we can undertake such work on a private basis. Our private fees are detailed below.

Magistrates Court Representation

If you have been charged by the police or summons the court, legal aid is available for representation in the Magistrates’ Court.

Legal aid funding is subject to an application being made to the Legal Aid Agency. It is assessed both on the merits of the application and the means of the applicant.

We can advise on whether you will qualify for legal aid and more information can be found here.

If you do not qualify, or wish to instruct us privately, we can discuss with you an hourly rate or fixed fee depending on the nature of the case. Where you instruct us on a private basis, and you are acquitted, or charges are dismissed you may be entitled to reclaim a portion of your legal costs from central funds. We assist clients, free of charge, with this process.

For more information please contact a member of our team.

Crown Court Representation

Legal aid funding is available for clients in the crown court. Legal aid is usually granted on merits but are also subject to means testing.

We can advise on whether you will qualify for legal aid and more information can be found here. Generally, if your household has an annual income of £37,500 or more you will not qualify for legal aid.

If you do not qualify, or wish to instruct us privately, we can discuss with you an hourly rate or fixed fee depending on the nature of the case. Where you instruct us on a private basis, and you are acquitted, or charges are dismissed you may be entitled to reclaim a portion of your legal costs from central funds. We assist clients, free of charge, with this process.

However, unlike cases heard in the Magistrates’ Court you may only recover a portion of your private legal fees in the Crown

Court where you have:

  1. Applied for legal aid

  2. Been refused legal aid on means

  3. Are acquitted
Family & Matrimonial

Legal aid is available for a range of family law matters although has been restricted in recent years.

Legal aid funding is available subject to:

  • Scope – The matter is within the scope of legal aid
  • Means test – you are unable to afford your own legal costs
  • Merits test – the likelihood of success, the reasonableness of the costs and whether a reasonable person would use their own money to pay for the case.

Most family cases will be means tested; so, you will have to show that you cannot afford to pay legal costs. You will be required to give information about your income, benefits, savings, property and shares and those of your partner.

For some cases you can get legal aid regardless of your financial means. Non means tested legal aid is available if your child is subject of care or supervision proceedings. You may qualify for legal aid for some injunctions, such as a non-molestation order, but you might be required to make a financial contribution.

Legal aid is available for the following family issues:

  • applications for a non-molestation order or occupation order;
  • applications for a restraining order under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997;
  • applications for a Child Arrangements Order, Prohibited Steps Order or Specific Issue Order, if you or your child have suffered or are at risk of suffering violence or abuse from the other party. For more information about accepted evidence see the bottom of this page;
  • representation for children who are made party to private family law proceedings;
  • applications for forced marriage protection orders;
  • proceedings brought by the local authority for a care order or supervision order;
  • cases where your child has been or is about to be taken out of the UK without your consent;
  • from 10 December 2015 onwards, applications for post-adoption contact under section 51A Adoption and Children Act 2002, either where there is evidence of domestic violence or child abuse or for a child who is party to the proceedings.

Where legal aid funding is not available, we can be instructed on a private basis. Depending on the nature of the case we can offer an hourly rate or fixed fee service. For more information see our private fees section.

Private Instruction

You can instruct us privately on an hourly rate basis or sometimes for a fixed fee.  Our hourly rates are variable dependent upon the experience of the Solicitor you wish to instruct and the area of law.

Fixed fees are available, or can be agreed, on a range of cases but may not be suitable to every single case.

Below you will find details of our private hourly rates which are exclusive of VAT.

Private Hourly Rates

Our typical hourly rates are set out below. VAT is applicable in addition to all hourly rates specified below and do not include disbursements which may be incurred during your cases. Typical disbursements can include Counsel’s fees and other expert fees.

Criminal Defence
    • Partner : £400.00 per hour
    • Senior Solicitor : £350.00 per hour
Family & Matrimonial
    • Partner : £400.00 per hour
    • Senior Solicitor : £350.00 per hour
    • Partner : £400.00 per hour
    • Senior Solicitor : £350.00 per hour


We know that no two cases are ever the same and we are dedicated to guiding you through the legal process with tailored solutions which work for you. Fill out the form to request your consultation today.

The office is open from 9 am to 5.30 pm Mondays to Fridays excluding bank holidays. In the event your call is urgent and require us out of hours please either telephone us on 020 3325 7415 or email us on info@berrislaw.co.uk or complete the online form. All are monitored 24/7.


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