Berris Law have specialist knowledge and experience in defending cases brought under terrorism legislation.
Terrorism is the use or threat of action, both in and outside of the UK, designed to influence any international government organisation or to intimidate the public. It must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.
Examples include:
It is important to note that in order to be convicted of a terrorism offence a person doesn’t actually have to commit what could be considered a terrorist attack. Planning, assisting and even collecting information on how to commit terrorist acts are all crimes under British terrorism legislation.
It is a complex area and should you find yourself under investigation in relation to such matters you should seek legal advice.
Whilst terrorist offences can be dealt with under more familiar charges such as conspiracy to murder, or conspiracy to create an explosion, there are a number of significant pieces of counter terrorism legislation which create more specific offences in this area:
This created wide range of offences including:
This widened the scope of the counter terrorism legislation by adding additional offences including:
This recent development included measures to increase sentences for several terrorism offences and to end automatic early release for convicted terrorists. Some of its provisions are set out below:
Julian Hayes is hugely experience in successfully representing clients charged with terrorism offences. He successfully defended the youngest charged, Sidali Feddag, in the case of R -v- Kamel Bourgass and others which was commonly known as the “Ricin case”. He also defended the first cyber terrorist R -v- Younes Tsouli and successfully defended him when he was charged with unlawfully possessing material encouraging acts of terrorism.
Simply call one of our team on 020 3325 7415 for FREE Initial legal advice.
Tel: 020 3325 7415
We know that no two cases are ever the same and we are dedicated to guiding you through the legal process with tailored solutions which work for you. Fill out the form to request your consultation today.
The office is open from 9 am to 5.30 pm Mondays to Fridays excluding bank holidays. In the event your call is urgent and require us out of hours please either telephone us on 020 3325 7415 or email us on or complete the online form. All are monitored 24/7.