24 HOUR HELPLINE 020 3325 7415 info@berrislaw.co.uk

Criminal Investigation Solicitor

Criminal Investigations - London

We offer advice and representation throughout all stages of criminal investigations and proceedings – before arrest, at the police station, before charges are brought and during court proceedings in the Magistrates’ Court, Crown Court and Higher Courts.

Our Criminal Investigation Soliciotrs specialise in defending in all kinds of criminal cases, including:

Our criminal defence solicitors are proactive and fearless in protecting our clients’ interests. We consider ourselves to be at the forefront of criminal defence work, leaving no stone unturned often deploying groundbreaking legal, human rights and public interest arguments and scientific evidence on behalf of our clients. Our lawyers have over 30 years of experience in the field of Criminal defence.

Members of the Berris Law Criminal Law Team frequently defend in the most serious and high profile cases. We are experienced at managing and advising on the media publicity these cases often attract, and which, we know, can be one of the most distressing aspects of being prosecuted. Of course, we also act in cases where there is no publicity, but where the issues and potential consequences for our clients are equally serious, and in all our cases we are aware of the personal strain that can be involved.

We are used to facing the most formidable and best resourced prosecution agencies, including the SFO, FCA specialist police and Crown Prosecution Service teams. We have the experience and skills to match these prosecutors, and we believe that they respect and acknowledge Berris Law expertise when we represent any defendant in one of their prosecutions.

Speak to our Criminal investigation solicitors today

If you or a family member has been arrested or are being investigated for an alleged offence, you can get in touch with our solicitors 24 hours a day, seven days a week for assistance. Either call us on 020 3325 7415 or complete our online form and we’ll get right back to you.



We know that no two cases are ever the same and we are dedicated to guiding you through the legal process with tailored solutions which work for you. Fill out the form to request your consultation today.

The office is open from 9 am to 5.30 pm Mondays to Fridays excluding bank holidays. In the event your call is urgent and require us out of hours please either telephone us on 020 3325 7415 or email us on info@berrislaw.co.uk or complete the online form. All are monitored 24/7.


    24 hour helpline